Sunday, July 14, 2019

Omaha - Union IL

Left Omaha by way of the Zoo heading East. Terry called saying my Passport* had just arrived. I returned to Omaha and departed for the second time heading to Union IL. 
RON Kellogg IA
When I woke the morning of July 13 I encountered a dozen or more strange looking beetles. The fields around this entire park were green with tall and mature crops. Not corn, but I was unable to identify as I could seen no vegetables or melons. Searching my iPhone for insect-identifying apps. Insect ID was the best one. Take a picture of it, and it gives you the detail including the degree of certainty and a high-quality image as seen here below. The app says this critter doesn't bite and is one of many Ladybugs.
* At this point my plan was to reach Maine via a trip through Toronto and Montreal. I realized I'd left my Passport at home. Texted Anna to ask her to send it to Randy's home in Omaha.

 Diesel  Coralville IA

Resting at the Illinois Welcoming Center on Interstate 80 with a view back to the west overlooking the Fred Schwengel Memorial Bridge over the Mississippi. Fred, a Davenport IA US Congressman, had led the charge for the Interstate Highway Act of 1956.

Kickapoo Slu a return trip in late August
In more of a hurry driving east than I thought. Compare for instance the Green (East-bound) path zooming thru to Chicago, to the return trip (Blue West-bound) in late August when I spent the night at the Kickapoo Slu. Drove all around Rock Island, crossed the bridge into Davenport and spent the afternoon at the Figge Art Museum.

Arrive: Union IL

A very pleasant overnight and welcoming visit with Anna's cousin Paul Psilos who lives in Union IL just outside of Chicago. A former college professor and a man of wide interests in the arts, politics and he likes baking bread as do I. We chatted over several beers. In the morning I cooked a breakfast I'd learned from Rod Bell: Caramelize a medium thinly sliced onion in olive oil & butter (very little oil & butter and very low heat: forever), add and brown up 2-3 sliced potatoes and when done, a bit of Gruyere; cook over low-med heat, then on top of all that add 4 raw eggs and cover till they are done. Sticks to your ribs.

Paul's home

Back in the truck in the morning after Paul had left for work, I drove thru Chicago down toward Valpariso Indiana and Route 30, the Lincoln Highway.
Headed to Fort Wayne and without a plan would go till I stopped. I ended my day and remained overnight (RON) in Defiance, Ohio. 

Not a very pleasant drive along Rte 30 nevertheless I persisted. It got worse. Even the Lowe's posted a sign "NO OVERNIGHT PARKING" so I moved on. I grew more bummed and in a defiant manner betook myself to a chick-wings-type-sports-bar, ate two orders of wings, drank one beer too many, lost a hearing-aid and slept by 9PM.  

Anna sent me an email with the above image: Be Strong! The morning found me in low spirits, plus a dilemma. I had no planned stops until reaching Burlington, Vermont. I thought, OK I'll got to Chautauqua! Checking the webpage I found that no plays were running, Darn it! I'd already missed the Ottawa National Wildlife and State Park, a fine stop along Lake Erie where we'd stayed during our 2011 crossing for my 50th high school reunion. I diagnosed myself as slightly bummed...after so very many pleasant visits with old friends.
There was no option to stay where I was. I drove to Cleveland, had lunch and decided to go to Buffalo then Canada crossing at Niagra Falls. That sounded OK even though it would be a 5 hour drive. 

               Next Stop - ???                

Word in from the West Coast!

Fresh from his Ripley's-Believe-it-or-Not Lake Tahoe crossing,  young Rocko Wilde Rogers enters Best in Show.  Details ...

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